Warrior Conference, hosted by New Life Chapel, is a three-day conference for every man who faces the daily demands of life, work, family, and friends. Instead of demands driving the man, a Warrior learns from the proven teaching of the Bible to never accept less than excellence from himself in every area of life. WC is by men, for men, to reach men. WC you will experience Camaraderie, Competition and Challenge to AWAKEN men from mediocrity, STRENGTHEN men , RESURRECT true masculine community and MOBILIZE men for maximum impact in their families, our church, and our community. The WC is the premier event for men who want to know more of what God has placed inside of them.

FIGHT CLUB employs the core ingredients of Camaraderie, Competition and Challenge to AWAKEN Christian men from mediocrity, STRENGTHEN them emotionally, intellectually, physically, and spiritually, RESURRECT true masculine community and MOBILIZE them for maximum impact in their families, our church, and our community.